Sunday, May 1, 2011

Are you OK?

Every conversation since Wednesday afternoon has started with that phrase.  Conversations with relatives, friends, co-workers, and even strangers.  And it is always spoken with the greatest concern.
Thursday morning at work was a busy time trying to locate everyone and just making sure they and their families were OK and if they had damage, what could we do.  Between the storms early on Wednesday morning and Wednesday evening, everyone has a story to tell. 

The situation for many is dire.  They've lost homes and family members.  There lives are forever altered because of the storm.  The damage was widespread as the storms ripped across the state.  The news stations are doing a good job.  As a matter of fact, for many, the radio was the first news they had of the severity of the situation because power was out in much of the state.

About two miles from me, the storm cut a swath through a pasture uprooting and ripping apart trees.  And caused sagging power lines.  That was the second question: "do you have power?"  But no one was complaining about no power since we still had our lives and had our homes.  Actually, no one is complaining about anything:  no power, long lines at the grocery store and not being able to buy certain items because the power was out there too, long lines at the service station, not being able to buy ice, etc. 

Our power went out Wednesday morning but then yesterday evening, these guys from Lake Wells, Fl showed up! 

My power was restored at 6:50pm!  Thanks guys!  And thanks for spending time away from your families to help ours! 

Another thing heard over and over this week:  "the grace of God".  For many, it is by the grace of God only that they have their lives. 

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