Saturday, July 2, 2011

Blueberry Jam

It's July here on the farm and it's Saturday, so that means it's time to make jam!  Today's flavor - Blueberry.  Made from blueberries picked from my Dad's blueberry bushes.

Here's the berry cooking equipment.  It's my grandmother's and the ladle is actually the dipper they used when they had a well.

As usual, while I was stirring the berries, I thought about how beautiful the color is and wouldn't a shawl just look gorgeous in this deep, rich, blueberry color. 

Check out that wooden spoon.  It's stained from several weeks of jam making. 

I also get a sense of satisfaction when filling the jars and I keep thinking that I'm doing exactly what my grandmother did, in that very kitchen, using those same tools.  And that baking pan the jars are sitting on?  That's my Mother's.  She's had that pan ever since I can remember and it is black from cooking thousands and thousands of biscuits over the years.

I was so involved in what I was doing, I forgot to take pictures of the rest of the process, including the jars.  I have to tell you - the sound of the jars sealing is a beautiful sound indeed.

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