Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Trio of Hats for A Trio of Boys

Aren't these fellas just adorable in their pumpkin hats?  Last weekend, I went to Berea and Paint Lick, Kentucky to visit my favoritist fellas in the whole wide world.  And I took their pumpkin hats with them.  Their mom and I had decided that  Liam, at a very grownup age 5, probably wouldn't want a stem and leaf on his since he is starting to assert his opinion on matters of clothing.  But when he saw his brothers' hats, he wanted his to be just like theirs.  Thankfully, I had made an extra leaf and had packed it along with brown yarn and my size 8 DPN's in my knitting bags.  So getting them on his hat was a snap.

Isn't this sunset beautiful?  This is what the boys see from their front yard every day.  EVERY DAY!  It is just absolutely beautiful when seeing it in person.

While I was in Berea, I stopped in to check out Weaver's Bottom Craft Studio.  I had  wanted to stop in on previous but just never did for one reaon or another.  Virginia and I stopped in this time and had a delightful visit with Mary Colmer and she was kind enough to give a weaving demonstration for me. 

I did some knitting while there but alas, no pictures.  I mostly worked on Tristan's blanket and have started the eighth and final round of "logs".  The goal is to finish by Thanksgiving.  I also worked on Catherine's shawl.  I'm slogging away on the ruffle.

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